One Month

Its true, time does go by fast. If you would ask me where the last month went I wouldn't have the slightest clue. Perhaps I am in a new mother fog, or just enjoying every possible moment as they fly by me. Today I looked back at Ava's first pictures and realized that already she has changed so much. I had a sappy moment then knowing that shes only bound to grow and change some more. Oh, if I could only keep her little forever! But as much as I would like to keep her small, I have to admit I love watching her achieve new milestones. Every day she amazes me, like pooping after every bath on the changing pad cover (you would think I would have learned by now), how she manages to behave herself in Target but then has a complete meltdown as soon as we get in the car (every time), or my favorite when she can sense us going to bed or taking a shower (must be a Jedi mind trick thing). Okay, so those aren't really milestones, but your still impressed right! This last month has really made me realize three things: that I am blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby girl, that I have an amazing support system, and that my motherly instincts have taken over. I am beyond thankful for the life that I am leading and I look forward to these next months to come.

 My Hobbies Include: Smiling, burping like a trucker, and pooping on the changing pad cover.
Likes: To snuggle, take baths, and ride in cars
Hates: Being cold and getting dressed


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