
My life is currently in threes. Well, at lease my working life seems to be that way. I finally feel as if I can call my job a job because I have added to the bunch. I now take on three lovely ladies ages three and under from 6 am to 4:30 pm. Seems like a lot, especially without coffee, and adding in the dog makes me some sort of super hero (at least in my book). Most days it seems like I have it pretty much under control, well that is until they all three need me at the same time then I need like five extra hands I swear. I keep thinking that any time now the youngest two will understand patience and let the oldest at least wipe and pull up her pants before I can rush over to feed them. Okay, so I will give my month old a break- when she wants a boob, shes wants a boob! As if having three isn't hard enough; I'm convinced that they synchronize their bodily functions too. Quite often I have two soiled diaper changes and one on the pot. Lets just say I am extra grateful that the oldest is potty trained or I would honestly station myself by the changing table gloved and diapers in hand. But honestly, as crazy as my days seem, I wouldn't trade them back for my long and stressful days as a supervisor where I often faced meetings, corporate visits, and customer service calls. I would much rather be right where I am with my three and of course with paint, throw up and poop on my shirt too (comes with the job).


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