Braver Still

I’ve had worse years believe it or not. Like I’m talking not just my tires stuck in the mud, but rather the entire car. Me being the car. Grief being the thickest of muds. So why in the world does this year feel like not I’m just stuck, but more like being stretched and molded perhaps? I promised myself that I would wait until I was 100% before writing this, but then I came across a song and I felt like my heart was telling me to write about some of my mess. Trust me, I’m not writing this for sympathy, but rather for my fellow seekers. The ones who are not just stuck but are being transformed in the process of being stuck.
Growing up I thought that if I did everything perfect that I wouldn’t have any regrets. The funny story is that from an outsider’s perspective I would have plenty of those darn things, but surprisingly I don’t see it in the same way. Flash forward to now, where I still find myself wishing for perfection; even though I have proof through my “regrets” that God shows up hardest in those moments. For me life started feeling a bit complicated back in June. I honestly thought that the most complicated thing about the rest of my 2017 would be having a newborn. Boy was I wrong! By the way, having a baby doesn’t mean that the rest of the world stops. In fact, the world handed me about three more things than I could handle. Now eight months in, I feel completely stretched out, molded, and transformed. It has taken me up until now to realize that in the process of getting “unstuck” that the Lord has been busy at work. I should of known that He wasn’t done with me yet! While I don’t wish to go through the same things again, I can now see the light past the shadows of my darkness.
Below I will include the lyrics to the song I previously mentioned. While some day I hope to share more, for now I just simply understand. While it has always been my first instinct to want to fix things, or everything, and offer up advice; this current season that I am in has shown me that I need to just stop and listen sometimes. I’m writing here today to say that I understand when life feels overwhelmingly complicated, but that there is always hope for you and me. And if nothing else be braver still-

JJ Heller Lyrics

Play "Braver Still"
on Apple Music

I never saw it coming
There was no way to prepare
The world kept spinning 'round me
And left me standing there
And it's okay to grieve
A life that could not be
I'm trying to believe
In something better

Even if the dreams I had turned into dust
There's no wreckage that's too broken to rebuild
The world is just as scary as I thought it was
But your love makes me braver still
Your love makes me braver

I spent my whole life running
Trying to find a place to rest
Why did it take a wound like this
To let you hold me to your chest?
Now I can hear you breathe
You're singing over me
You're making me believe
In something better

Even if the dreams I had turned into dust
There's no wreckage that's too broken to rebuild
The world is just as scary as I thought it was
But your love makes me braver still
Your love makes me braver

There is a valley
Where shadows are covering everything I hold dear
There in the darkness I hear you whispering
I am here...

Even if the dreams I had turned into dust
There's no wreckage that's too broken to rebuild
The world is just as scary as I thought it was
But your love makes me braver still
Your love makes me braver still
Your love makes me braver


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