She's All Four

I can't believe our rainbow baby is four! It only seemed fitting that when picking out her birthday outfit it would be rainbow colors naturally, but I am supposed to write here that her real favorite color is pink, sometimes blue, and that her best friend Emsley's is purple. That's the thing about Ava now turning four is that she all of the sudden knows whats best. Of course my parents are thinking to themselves that "what goes around, comes around!"
As soon as I flipped the calendar page, I knew that this post would have to be one of the first things I thought about doing in February. But it has taken me until now to really get the thoughts I wanted to share- out. Ava's birthday will be here before I'm ready to admit that time won again, this Sunday to be exact. But as much as I love having her small and needy; I am really taken back, in the best of ways, by how much she has grown both physically and mentally in the last year. Becoming a big sister was one of my favorite things, as it has challenged her and molded her in the best of ways. For starters, she has adjusted better than I could of ever imagined, and has taken her new role around here very seriously. It has forced our busy girl to be both patient and creative. I see a wonderful leader in the future if she wants to be. Ava continues to be a sweet, funny, loud, and sensitive girl. I love that she is both of her parents, but also a lot of her own person. A lot!  She enjoys firing up that imagination, but is learning to slow down long enough to play with both Henrik and Olive. I hesitated on not putting her in preschool this year, but it has forced us as a family to get creative on challenging her on not just learning, but also listening and taking responsibility for her toys and actions. Possibly one of the best decisions we made, but I'm thinking by next year she will really be ready to spread out her wings! You go girl!
And as far as the yearly song dedication goes, Ava's new favorite is Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys. Seems fitting to choose that one here, as our girl takes on four with confidence (air fist bump and all). May you continue to grow in the best of ways sweet girl! We love you so!



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