
There’s no way if you would of asked me six years ago that I would have imagined this life as a wife and mother of two daughters. That’s the best thing about God’s plan for us is that we have very little to do with the fine details within our story. When we found out last year that we would be bringing home another girl, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t compare these two sisters. The last thing I wanted was one daughter being labeled as the pretty one and the other the smart one, when to me they would always be both of those things no matter what. Now seven months in, I find myself guilty of comparing, but not in the way I imagined. I often find myself asking when Ava did what as Olive hits another milestone; or what Ava liked to eat, only to find out that her sister has the complete opposite in taste and we are forced to re-think how we parent. My mom always told me growing up that what worked for me almost never did for my brother. I always brushed it off as a boy thing, but now that I am a parent of two, I am quickly finding out that they are both different for a very important reason. I love that I can match my daughters in clothes, but that when it comes to their personalities and preferences, they are in two separate boxes. I also love that I can connect with each of them in different ways, and that so far, neither resemble their mother!


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