“Back to Who You Are”

It’s no mystery as to why I have been writing about a lot of change happening in my life. I’ve had several posts now since the summer of 2017 that not only preach my change of heart, but how hardship can be used for good. I do still believe in positive changes and for leaving room for only what matters. I wouldn’t steer away from that message ever, but there has been more that I have wanted to say recently. What’s funny is that whenever there is something on my heart, I always seem to come across something from another person that mirrors what I’m feeling. I read this morning what Courtney Carver describes beautifully as,
 “Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are.”
This quote captures exactly what I have come to realize. More importantly, what my heart screams for my brain to finally understand. What I mean is, that instead of changing everything about who I am- down to my core, I really just need my outsides to match my insides. I’m a firm believer in constantly learning and trying my best, but I’m also realizing that within positive changes there’s something wonderful that has always been there. It’s through carving away the excess and only holding onto what matters that has allowed me to see through the fog I spent most of my twenties in, and to then truly get back to who I have always been.


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