Love Does: Yes Even in Quarantine

"I've learned that God sometimes allows us to find ourselves in a place where we want something so bad that we cant see past it. Sometimes we cant even see God because of it. When we want something that bad, it's easy to mistake what we truly need for the thing we really want. When this sort of thing happens, and it seems to happen to everyone, I've found it's because what God has for us is obscured from view, just around another bend in the road."

This is a quote from Bob Goff in his book Love Does. To be honest, I can't think of a better time to find Bob's words. Just like you, I find myself somewhere in the mess of the C. virus. I wont spell it out here because, also like you, I cant handle hearing the full term spelled out again (the news may never be the same again for me). In fact, it's now a swear word to me. I also don't need to mention here all the ways in which this virus has taken from our lives. I know it has affected some of us more than others, but we can all agree that it has taken over the peace we once knew. The safety of our health and instead replaced it with worry, separation, and the concept of time. I found the quote mentioned above to be especially comforting during this time. I find myself currently most of often somewhere between enjoying this slowed space tucked away with my family and feeling as if I have been chosen for some horrible nightmare of a science and social experiment- that I am clearly not cut out for! I think more than anything, I am struggling with the unknown. When I read this in Love Does, I realized that I have always struggled with the unknown. But in this particular circumstance, the unknown feels like a higher risk because it's on such a global level. There is something both comforting and terrifying knowing that we are all in the same boat; being affected by the very same thing (and then not knowing how long we'll be in hiding or how long after its gone the aftermath will linger).

I am struggling with how to end this post, because we are still very much in it. I wish I knew how far away the light at the end of the tunnel was, and that no one reading this would lose anything else or that I wouldn't either for that matter. But what I can say is, that I have realized that this virus has defined for all of us- what is truly important and what we truly need.


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