
Parenting is something I will never pretend to be an expert at. In fact, I most definitely find myself questioning my parenting capabilities quite often. Mostly on the tough days, as I usually do when anything gets hard. Parenting lately has led me to believe that I will most likely be killing it and winging it for the rest of my life. I picture myself still learning how to mother as my daughters become mothers themselves. And, to be honest, I’m okay with that! Going in, I had no idea how some parts or some seasons would leave me feeling as if the world was ending. This quarantine season is one of them. There are many days when I have to take many deep breaths and remind myself that I wanted this. Parenting I mean. You too? I had no clue that some seasons would force me to measure time in hours because days or weeks felt impossible, aka the newborn stage or even currently, this school from home stage. Yep, won’t be cutting it in a future teaching career. Before parenting, I had no clue how both helpful and hindering parenting resources could be; and that my own intuition and trusting my partner is what makes all the difference- on most days. But even more so, I had no clue how much parenting was less about experience and knowing it all, and instead just continuously showing up and learning regardless. -That it's really just about the love and time I put in.


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