Dearest Husband

I figured with heading into our 39th week that it was time to thank you for all the things you did for me during this pregnancy. Trust me it did not go unnoticed, and in my eyes you are a true saint. When writing this I didn't know whether to congratulate you on surviving or thank you for keeping your sanity when I was without. Its hard to believe that in a short time we will finally have our Ava and all of that hard work and waiting will have paid off. I know even now that it wont be long before I am thanking you again as we head into this new parenting thing. You are a wonderful husband and will be a wonderful daddy too.

1. Thank you for impregnating me. I figured that should be the first thing since I couldn't have done this without you. Seems obvious but I figured it was still worth thanking you for.
2. Thank you for sticking with me and encouraging me to not give up even after taking way too many pregnancy tests too early to even count. Sometimes I need to be reminded to be patient and that was definitely one of those times.
3. Thank you for not blinking when it came to my maternity clothing budget. For buying me those dress pants that I had to have, only to never wear them. For sticking with me through my ever so changing bra sizes, and for telling me that I still looked good even though I never actually believed you.
4. Thank you for your late night runs for orange soda and ice-cream. I know it seems like an easy craving but when its negative temperatures I am sure going outside and running to the store is far less appealing than a warm bed.
5. Thank you for the infamous nightly back rubs. I know that you have always been good about rubbing my back (pretty sure that's how Ava came to be), but during this pregnancy you have turned out to be quite the masseuse.
6. Thank you for buying the bulk sized tums bottles and keeping the car stash full. This heartburn has almost gotten the best of me at times and probably would have if you weren't right there to rescue me.
7. Thank you for buying me countless bottles of stretch mark cream and for wiping my tears away when everything failed and I got them anyways. Still not convinced that they will ever fade.
8. Thank you for shaving my legs and for painting my toe nails when I got too big to bend over. I'm sure you felt as if your manhood was being checked out at the door.
9. Thank you for putting up with my Kenny G. music obsession. I'm sure after many repeats you and Ava will both be okay if you never hear a saxophone play again.
10. Thank you for dealing with my crying for no reason moments. No need to say any more other than it might have prepared you for Ava as a infant and as a teenager.
11. Thank you for not only going to every doctor appointment but for asking all the questions I was too embarrassed to ask, even though its my body go figure.
12. Thank you for checking in on how I am feeling and how Ava is doing every day and throughout the day whether we are together or not. You are already taking such good care of your girls.


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