Greetings From The Frozen Tundra

Greetings from Minnesota with a high of -14 that feels like -38 degrees outside today. Jealous aren't you?! Lets just say we are not high on the tourist attraction list, and if you are visiting it just might be because your car wouldn't start in time to leave this place. Perhaps its a sign when the Governor closes schools for the entire state that it really is cold outside, and meanwhile I am taking the day off and locking myself inside where its warm. I will admit that there's a million other things I could be doing, should be doing, like packing maybe. Yes we are the crazy ones who not only move at 8 months pregnant but in the midst of winter's coldest. But as much as I might have to get done, its days like today when I am reminded to take a step back and just relax for once. Onto packing tomorrow it is...


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