To My Ava

I am writing you as if you were already here. If only you were sweet little one. I know we are still many days before your due date but must I remind you that I am not a very patient person. Its something that I am working on but failing at currently. Too often I am caught day dreaming of what you will look like, and whether or not all of that heart burn went to a good cause and gave you some hair. I picture you screaming as you enter into this world just to let us all know that you have made your arrival, and the feeling that will come over me when I realize that I am finally a mother- that is who you made me. I know that there are no words to describe how that moment of meeting for the first time will feel, and especially not ahead of time, but its these thoughts that get me through the days of waiting for you. I must admit that your daddy is far better at letting you come when your ready than I am. Despite trying everything, and I mean everything to speed up the process, I know in my heart that you will come on your own timing and it will be perfect. Just think in a few short weeks you will be here no matter what, and it will be the start to bond that will last through my lifetime.

I love you so much already,


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