You might have a baby when...

You might have a baby when...

1. You're wearing spit up, pee, or poop. Sometimes fashionably all three.
2. You're voice is an octave higher when trying to get them to do something for the camera.
3. You find yourself talking to them as if they can talk to you back. No, asking them, "do these jeans make me look fat?" isn't weird.
4. You make up lyrics to songs you forgot- hey, except for the ABC's, it works!
5. You make up your own songs to everyday household duties like diaper changing, putting on their clothes, or during bath time.
6. You find yourself rocking your hips while standing in one spot even without holding the baby.
7. You can tune out any lullaby- you've only heard Twinkle Twinkle like a million times!
8. You can hear them breathing through the monitor.
9. You shower quickly and with the door open- a clear shower liner only is always an option too.
10. You eat with one hand and feed the baby with the other.
11. You can change a diaper in the dark.
12. You wipe off their face or hair with your spit.
13. You breastfeed in any and all places- display portable fishing houses work great.
14. You can have the baby dressed and in their car seat faster than you can brush your teeth.
15. You can detect their different cries for hunger, wet, or tired.


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