To My Ava

A letter to my daughter.

You are the light of my life. The star of my show.
The answer to so many of our prayers; the ultimate healer.
My snuggle bug.
My three month old going on two years-can you really already be using that bottom lip to get what you want?!
The girl with a full head of hair and the bluest eyes I ever did see.
The one who can go from happy to mad in seconds- from 0 to 60.
The one with the kissable cheeks, sorry I know I kiss them a lot- a lot, a lot.
The girl who can "talk" her way out of anything, okay, cry her way out.
The girl with the contagious laugh. The best toothless gum smile.
The strong one, but hopefully not too strong willed (like your dad, okay, me too).
The car-baby. My sleeping shopper.
My little mermaid- may you always love the water.
Miss independent. Miss fashionista.
A lover.

Time is going so fast and you are growing just the same. I blink and overnight you have matured into the next milestone. Still young but showing so much personality. You have never been like anyone else, even while inside me, doing everything on your own schedule- never change. Peer pressure is overrated anyways. I have high hopes and dreams for you, but I know that you will follow your own path. Fight for what you want and believe in. Trust in the Lord-always. May you rest in Him and find the peace that I feel when I call on His name. Stay a lover and become a giver. I love that you talk to me now; keep coming to me even when I become the uncool mom. Know that true beauty is on the inside. Be confident, but don't have an ego. Never settle for less. Listen to your heart not your mind. Keep whats important to you. Know that time does heal. Faith will be your best asset. Know its always on the Lord's timing, but always worth the wait.
Oh, little one, know that you were prayed for. Deeply wanted. That you were the result of some careful planning and a night of fun. Know that the Lord blessed you with an amazing daddy, grandparents, and some crazy aunts and uncles. Never take them for granted. Be thankful for having them close by and apart of your life. Stay a daddy's girl (I still am). Know that we are looking forward to sharing a life with you. That we look forward to watching you grow into a beautiful woman someday; but if only I could keep you this little forever. Know that you are loved. So loved.


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