Three Months

I can officially say that I have a three month old. Well, as of Tuesday that is. Kind of bitter sweet, as each milestone going forward will be. As much as I want to keep her little though, I cant help but love watching her learn. Every day has become her classroom, and boy will those girls be pushing her to walk here any day now. Lord help me if she walks at 9 months like her father did.

Ava wanted to write about what she has been up to lately, and since her hand-eye coordination is a little sub-par to be typing this, I'll be putting it in her words.

Still a daddy look-a-like at three months old. I am growing up and out rapidly as my milk seems to be doing the trick. I'm starting to be more awake during the day where you can often find me playing on the floor with my Ellie (blanket). Still no luck on rolling over yet, my left arm seems to be getting in my way, but I'll keep trying. I recently discovered my toes and I almost like them as much as my hands. Once in awhile, I like to suck on my left thumb or pull on mommy's hair, neither which I am allowed to do apparently. I am also sleeping through the night now because I have found that I like my crib establishment and my privacy. Mom says that I have quite the personality these days. Stay tuned, I am learning everyday.


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