Four Months

Okay, some one stop the clock, I have a four month old! Is it normal to cry at the turning of each month? I swear I blink and overnight she's somehow older and less baby like. My little sponge is learning quickly about her new world and I am not sure I am ready to let her. Cant I just keep her little, well at least for a little while longer? In just this last month she has learned how to roll over and now almost sit up by herself. She has tackled the saucer toy and the jumper all within the last few weeks, and will soon have those mastered as well. With each new milestone comes more bittersweet emotions. I love seeing her grow, but it all happens so quickly- someone push the pause button. Needless to say we are cherishing every moment with our Ava. She is indeed our little blessing!

It seems to be all about the feet these days, but this 4 month old (as of the 18th) is more loveable then ever. This active roller is now an active teether. Look out mom and dad! Hobbies: chewing on toys and drooling. Likes to spend afternoons in the saucer or playing on the floor. Latest adventure was traveling to Michigan for a family vacation. Starting to eat rice cereal and baby food at night. Likes: Ellie the blanket, rubber toys that I can chew on, books that crinkle, and walks in the carrier or stroller. Dislikes: Sunscreen applications, getting dressed, and getting scared


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