Raising Ava

Thank you Ava, first of all, for looking like your father. I am happy to see my features (like my nose) within you, but I love that you mostly resemble a Schlaeger. Wear that name well, and stay a daddy's girl forever. Thank you for giving me happiness. For giving me tears of joy and a daily spoonful of laughter. Thank you for healing and filling my heart at the same time with love and emotions that I didn't know I had inside me. For giving me light, direction, and the confidence to take care of you. Thank you for showing and teaching me patience. For reminding me to not just give up even when it could be easier. Thank you for giving me butterflies every time I see your face, and for loving me unconditionally. For waking up happy every single day. Thank you for changing my life-someday I will forgive you for the early morning wake-up calls. For giving my life purpose. Thank you for being the best blessing I could have ever wanted and asked for. I love you baby girl, and I love that you are mine.
Forever yours,


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