For A Happy Father

In all the craziness of packing and preparing for this week long escape of ours, I wanted to be sure and write something for Father's Day. Yes, I could easily ramble about the men in my life who just happen to rock as dads, but I think it is more fitting to focus on my husband for a change. After all, it's his first daddy celebration and he's earned a little sweet shout out. Where do I start with him except to say that he's amazing! Please don't take that lightly because I sure don't. This man has single handily taken this daddy role by storm. It's on a whole other level I'm telling you. He's the cherry on our sundae. The glue to this whole operation. Okay, so I think you are starting to get my point here. Adam's the rock, my rock. Besides the fact that he continues to rescue me from a mamma's craziness daily it seems; I swoon over him holding Ava. I'm like puddy in his hand- something about a dad and a baby. Add the wedding ring into the picture and I'm literally gaga over this guy. He always some how knows just what his girls need, and did I mention that he handles the dirty diapers and the night shift too. But it's more than just him taking care of our needs. Its the joy he brings to our faces everyday. Its the sweet kisses to those irresistible baby cheeks. The nicknames he has for Ava, like baby-cakes, pookie, or daddy's girl. The different voices (one sounding like a chipmunk version of Christian Bale as Batman) to make her laugh. The calmness in his manor and the ultimate snuggle chest that seems to lull her to sleep each night ought to be mentioned as well. I swear I could easily keep going, but I am not telling you all this because I am spoiled and like to brag. I am telling you this because I think he is more than worthy of a celebration. He has earned this Father's Day and every day for that matter.


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