9 Lives

So I might not be a cat with nine lives, but I can officially say that I have been alive for 26 years as of yesterday. I'd like to say that I'm wiser now that I'm older, but perhaps it's just another year. I mean what's so special about turning 26 anyways? Last year I got a discount on car insurance- that was a added bonus right?! It was during my birthday eve that I took a second to examine my life. I'm pretty sure that only starts to happen after you turn 25, and as you get closer to a mid life crisis. Sure I'm still in my prime, but now that I'm passed the college days and responsible for another human being, a little reflection was in order. Am I happy with where my life is at? Am I living a responsible life? Do I have the right support system? The right friends? Am I healthy? Do I love enough? Am I patient enough? Oh gosh, the list of powerful questions could go on. I'm sure at some point we all ask ourselves these types of questions. And as loaded as they may be, I'm okay with challenging myself once in awhile. Although, there might be some relationships I wish were stronger, or days that I wish I was less emotional and more patient; I can honestly say that I am happy. I may be a little out of shape (okay, way out of shape), lost my ability to go to the bathroom less, and sleep in more- but I'm a happy 26 year old. Yes, a happily married mom- and that beats the heck out of a discount on car insurance!


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