No One Told Me...

This is a list of all (well most) of the "no one told me's" after becoming a mom, and in no particular order. If they did I wasn't listening. Isn't that always the case? This whole mom gig doesn't truly sink in until your smothered in your own creation's poop.

1. No one told me that I would instantly feel a love so deep for my child the second she was born. Literally seconds.

2. No one told me that this deep love connection previously mentioned was the only thing getting me through another sleepless night of hourly feedings.

3. No one told me that my clothes wouldn't fit (6 months later).

4. No one told me that every shirt I own (that fits) would be covered in spit-up and I wouldn't mind.

4. No one told me that I would worry (constantly).

5. No one told me that checking on the baby would become a nightly ritual between my husband and I.

6. No one told me that I would place my hand on her chest to check if she was breathing three or more times before confirming that she was indeed breathing before going to bed. And that my husband would follow suit (in fact, we often times pass each other in the hallway).

7. No one told me that I would literally. crave. sleep.

8. No one told me that the only present I would ever really want from now on (birthdays, Christmas, Mother's Day) would be to sleep in.

9. No one told me that it would be really hard not to buy every "cute" outfit that caught my eye. I'm sure if I had a boy it would still be a problem.

10. No one told me that some friends and family members wouldn't be involved in her life.

11. No one told me that some friends and family members would make up for that by being involved in her life.

12. No one told me that parenting can be so judgmental. Oh we are all guilty! Hi, my name is Sara and I do not make homemade baby food.

13. No one told me about the mommy guilt (oh it comes so easily).

14. No one told me that kissing her would become an addiction. Literally have to pry my lips away from that face!

15. No one told me that I would cry this easily when she cries or even when she doesn't. I'm so dang emotional!

16. No one told me that I could pee my pants this easily (jumping-jacks are out of the question).

17. No one told me how annoying music and talking toys would be and yet they are her favorite (of course they are).

18. No one told me how much more I would love my husband. There are many reasons!

19. No one told me how much I could and would love this sweet little baby of mine.

20. No one told me how good it would feel to be her mommy.

21. No one told me how fast this time goes! Oh, yes they did, I just wasn't listening.


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