To My Ava: Part Two-

I will confess that I think about the grown-up you a lot. Probably more than I should, and often times late at night while you are fast asleep in the other room. I will confess that I worry way to often about the future and what this world will hold for you. I think about what your personality will be like, who your friends will be, and what interests you will partake in. Whether or not you will be an athlete like your parents or more musically talented unlike your parents; I pray you can actually carry a tune. I will confess that I already get anxious over the thought of you being in high school, getting your driver's license, and God forbid give some guy your number- let alone your heart. Lord help me when its time for your first date! I think about your self esteem, and I pray that you will be confident in your own skin. I worry about you getting teased, bullied, or labeled just because someone else is jealous or even worse, just mean. I know that it will happen and no matter how much I protect you from it. I know that I cant force people to be your friend and that it will practically rip my heart out watching you get left out, or worse, hurt. But promise me that you will always be a great friend. Promise me that you wont tease, that you wont bully, and that you wont label someone else just because they are different from you. Promise me that you will always treat yourself with respect, and take care of that beautiful body that you have been blessed with. Promise me that you will graduate from high school, that you will drive carefully after you get your driver's license, and that you wont give out your number and especially your heart to just any guy. Promise me that you will at least try out for a sport (soccer preferably) and that if you don't like it you will be apart of something you are passionate about. Promise me that you will always be my baby, even when you are all grown up and probably cant stand me.


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