We're Half Way There

Today is the very last day that I can say that I have a five month old. And I honestly don't know what I should be more shocked about, the fact that these months have flown by, or that for the first time since having Ava I am writing on time. Heck, the fact that I am writing at all while she is awake is a miracle within itself. Normally I wait until days, or even weeks (slightly ashamed that it takes me that long) before I get a chance to write about her latest milestones. My sister in-law Sarah teases me that I am writing Ava's dating profile, but I figured you all might be curious (or are pretending to be for my sake) about what she has been up to as of late. But before I get down to the nitty gritty, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on these past six months and even year with this awesome new human being of mine.

Its hard to believe that at this time last year I was barely showing and I was leaving my retail management career and trading it for a nanny position. Flash forward to now and I am the crazy lady pulling three beautiful girls (ages 3, 19 months, and 6 months) in the wagon on our way to the park. I am always somewhere between a chocolate sprinkled donut, tea party, craft and a diaper change or two, but I wouldn't change it for anything. The Lord has truly blessed me with the ability to be apart of Anabelle's and Emsley's life, but more importantly the opportunity to be at home with my Ava.

Ava has been flirting on all fours for the past month or so, but now she has "inched wormed" her way into a crawl. Yes, that's right, a crawl. A very unique way of getting around if I most say so, but she is a woman on a mission! She is still very much into playing on the floor with toys (most of the them actually being her's). Ava has two teeth trying to make their way out but for now she is actively chomping on frozen watermelon, teething toys, and fingers (some of them being her own or whomever's she can borrow) in hopes of speeding up the process. She is now into eating baby food (preferably bananas or squash) with a milk chaser during supper time. Ava sometimes will ditch the infant tub for the bath tub or kitchen sink where she enjoys her suds and bath books.

Hobbies: Lounging around in her diaper, crawling, playing with toys, feeding herself a bottle, and chewing on fingers, books, or just about anything.

Likes: Frozen watermelon chunks, bananas or squash baby food, Sophie, Ellie, piano, bath books, and swimming at the town pool.
Hates: Getting her hair washed, and getting dressed.


  1. Sara I look forward to each and every blog. I feel it is a gift to be able to read and see her every day even if it is not in person. Your writing is a blessing. I love you very much and please hug that beautiful good baby of mine. ...

    1. Thank you dear sister for the shout out and lovin'. Its nice to know that someone besides my husband and mom are reading these ;)


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