Terrible 2's

With my youngest daughter turning three next week I believe it is always the perfect time to reminisce. Upon thinking about the past, I couldn't help but think back specifically to when my oldest daughter was turning three. It's a bit of a rabbit hole, but like any good mother, thinking about my children younger helps keep the ovaries at bay and the no diapers to buy raise still valid. 
When my daughter Ava was turning three it was an unusually warm February day and I was five months pregnant. Flash forward to now, where although I still look five months pregnant and peeing a lot, I am Not with a capital 'N'. However, I would like to think that if I could go back and tell myself then what was about to happen- I wouldn't. I am still unwrapping the gifts of my children's personalities, abilities, and sisterhood. And I am confident that my youngest turning three will only follow in the same footsteps as her sister by equally blessing and testing our parenting from here on out. As if she hasn't already-ha! But putting all that mushy stuff aside; another daughter entering their third year of life means really for us, that we survived the "terrible two's" twice and lived to tell about it. 


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