Olive’s Now “Three” Spirited

June around here means birthday month. Between cousins, Olive, and I, we party hard. It’s like a two part series of birthday month celebrations for our family, February being the first one. When Adam and I started planning to expand our family we wanted a summer baby, but in no way anticipated our second to join us so early. It seems fitting now with Olive truly defining her own path. I guess she was meant to be here once the summer had officially begun and not a moment later. I do mean this in all the best ways, but I’m so glad her and I do not share actual birthdays. I would much prefer she can have her own day- although she does share it with a cousin. Two actually. In just a few short weeks Olive Kay will be three. 14 days to be exact! This year marks the first one without her namesake here physically, which makes me miss Big Ollie even more! For those of you that don’t know, Olive is named after her great-great aunt and her middle name after her grandma. Both ladies were strong one-of-kind women. Trailblazers. I’m hoping three takes away some of the “terrible two’s” behavior, but I have no doubt that Olive is only living up to her name. And in many ways just carrying out their legacies. I came across this quote and I found it to describe my girl perfectly,

Olive is bound to continually change me and this world for the better in every move, but I’m a far better person and a deeply loved one at that because of her- 


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