3 Days Held Hostage

Okay, so its not really a hostage type situation and no ransom to be paid, just three days past my due date but who's really counting?! Its hard to describe how I feel, but I guess the word restless about covers it. I feel as if I am in a daze, hours pass and so do days without feeling any closer to meeting my baby.  My husband and I are like fire fighters ready for action, we have gone over details and best traveling routes with the hospital bags packed and re-checked more than once. I feel as if I can not physically be more prepared for this, yet I constantly question myself if I am truly ready for whats ahead. My cervix has done its homework, now its whether or not Ava chooses to turn it in and come out on her own or with help on the 19th. Is it too late to start negotiating with her now?


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