
It hit me this morning that by next Saturday I will be a mom with a baby. That's right, an actual human that I am being trusted to take care of. Call me crazy, but I suddenly felt the need to enjoy one last Saturday with just the two of us while I still had it. Its not like I am six days passed due and had the last nine months to prepare for this moment or anything (just a slight sarcastic tone)! But isn't that how many of us are, waiting until the very last moment to do all of the things we could have done months ago?! Yep, that's exactly how I am; I mean, I even had the urge to skydive or at least felt the need to do something crazy all of the sudden. Don't worry, just putting on my socks is exhausting so don't picture too crazy now. Trust me, I realize that becoming a parent doesn't mean my freedom has expired forever; I just have to carefully plan or do a drive by the grandparent's house from now on. Being a parent is what I have always wanted to be and knowing that I will finally get my chance within the next few days fills my heart completely, but I couldn't help but enjoy at least one more day of being the only girl in Adam's life.


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