5 Day Plea

I have officially become one of those women! Not the kind that settles for a blind date with a friend of a friend that knows your friend kind of deal. Oh no, I am just a nine month pregnant woman determined to out smart her due date. T-minus 5 days but of course I can not wait that long. I'm sure Ava feels the pressure that I am putting on her but has chosen to ignore me. Should I be worried, I mean she isn't even a teenager yet?! I have already done many searches on how to induce labor, and today I found myself aimlessly driving around town trying to find a store that carried raspberry leaf pills because I am too much of a wimp to choke down the tea form. What has my life become? However, as desperate as I may be, I still haven't conformed to the Castor oil drinkers club and I don't see myself going there just yet. Perhaps I should just stick with my pineapple diet and tackle my husband down for some good R & R and "tickles" under the sheets tonight. Here's hoping...


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