Massage Familiarity

After skipping a few, I have been lucky enough lately to have weekly massages due to my membership (yeah, I guess I am one of those people). Perhaps, I should take into consideration that my work gives a nice discount at Massage Envy as more of a sign that my job may be too strenuous for my own good sometimes. However, I look at it this way, its cheaper than a psychiatrist! Wait, they probably offer a discount there too.
Anyways, what was supposed to be just another appointment, a relaxing one too I might add, turned into a little bit more than I expected. It took about a whole ten minutes in to realize that the massage therapist also worked overnights in my dairy department at work, and I am thinking that he recognized me about the same time. To be quite honest, this is one of those places where you wished you didn't know the person that would be rubbing oil all over you. The next 60 minutes consisted of me worrying about whether the sheets would slip and reveal my underwear line, coming to grips with my ticklish spots and trying to hold in the sudden urge to pass gas. For some reason, this appointment lasted longer than usual or at least it felt that way under pressure. Lets just say, I suddenly didn't care about the line on my forehead- I was going to get a smoothie from next door today!
It might be awhile before I show my face again inside the dairy cooler when I get into work in the mornings, but than again it isn't very often that I can say I got a massage from one of my associates now is it.


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