7 Weeks

The thought of growing a human being baffles me. Knowing that she will be here in seven weeks or less baffles me. To be honest, I am like a kid going to school for the first time, a sweet mix of nervous and excited. What can I say other than that we are at full count down mode here at the Schlaeger household. Perhaps that is why I am up at 5 am on a Saturday, or it could be just the fact that I am uncomfortable and in heart burn city. Is it terrible that I am looking forward to sleeping on my stomach again? But beyond just having my body return to normal, or as close as it can be, I am mostly looking forward to sleepless nights if that means she's finally here in my arms. I know that my life is about to be rocked, and hard, but I have never wanted something more than to be a mom. Here's to wishing Ava luck for the next 18 years.

Maternity Photos Taken By Corey Larson  


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