Just The Cutest

Well it was bound to happen, Anabelle and Ava are now the closest of friends. Still separated by womb but inseparable, these two have a bond. Ava is finally big enough where she moves constantly and kicks often. I can now confirm what getting kicked in the ribs feels like and I am starting to be convinced that she's doing it on purpose. Anabelle has become my protector as of late, always checking to feel baby Ava move and asking about her arrival. I thought I was on full count down mode, but Anabelle is hoping that each time she asks if "she's going to pop out," that it's that much closer to her really being here to play. Although Anabelle can have her moments of big sister against little sister with Emsley, I am sure that she will be a great helper to me with Ava. Oh little one, we will just have to be patient together-some how.


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