The Best of Times

Who wouldn't adore those hands? Just looking at them makes me smile! So many years and stories behind each wrinkle, and I promise you sit down long enough with my gran and she will tell you every last one of them.
I do have to brag a little bit here that I have the best job in the world. Some may throw that around lightly, but not me. Its hard to consider watching two of the easiest kids a job when if I didn't have poopy diapers to change my days wouldn't really be all that challenging. But beyond just the easy kids, there are often times I get done early. Ok, I will really stop rubbing it in now, but not before I tell you how I spend my early releases. Often times, like today, when I have my afternoons free I like to go and visit my grandmother. We have always shared a close bond but I have come to appreciate our times together more this year then ever. Perhaps its because she's my only grandparent left, or maybe its just the fact that she's still the most amazing person I have ever met. Either way, I know what we have is precious; our time together is precious.
Spending time with her is never dull I can assure you. In fact, I never know going in what kind conversations we will get into or what activities we will share together. Even with some memory loss, she always seems to surprise me with her sense of humor and the details of what she does remember. I'm telling you, this woman has had a full life! But I have noticed more so lately that she's really just a big kid at heart now; the complicated things in life no longer seem to matter or bother her, I mean who else would get excited to play bingo for a chocolate pudding snack pack? I do hope that when I reach her age I can feel the same sense of peace and accomplishment that she feels. She's okay with leaving this world at any time, and as much as I hate to let her, I know now that I have to.


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