Ringing In The New Year

Don't we all vow to change in the new year at some point in our lives, or even in some cases, every new year? Those darn resolutions, "make more money," or "lose weight and eat healthy." Yeah, if only just saying them out loud did the trick! It seems to me that I am always too eager to say that I have learned from the past year and that this new year will somehow be different. Well, I am afraid that 2013 was no exception. Reflecting back I am amazed that I made it through to be honest. Just proves to show that I'm tougher than I look with God on my side. No person dreams of having a tough year, but tough it was. There's no need to rehash all of my struggles and heartaches because the important part is that I made it through, my year ended great, and 2014 is here. But as silly as making resolutions may seem, especially when we seem to break them just as fast as we make them, I always like to take what I have already learned and set new goals for a new year. So cheers to 2014!

1. Patience. Don't we all wish we had more of it?! Too often I am quick to want it, judge it, react to it and so on. Many times after the fact I tell myself if only I had been more patient. Don't get me wrong I am already working on this, as 2013 shelled out many opportunities. 2014 will be no exception I'm afraid, and I know going in that parenting will now be the ultimate patience test.

2. Lead With an Open Heart. Easier said than done, right? Many of us can attest to wanting this for ourselves at some point, but I am determined this year to at least make a cautious effort in having an open heart. Many times I lead with judgment and dare I say even anger, rather than a simple thing called love. Yes I may never say the mean things that I am thinking out loud, but that's just it, I want to think with an open heart first.

3. Control Only What I Can. I will be the first to admit that I am a control freak, or at least a wannabe. Its seems like every year that the Lord shows me more than once that I can not control what others do. As much as I would like to, I know there's a reason why we are all spared from that burden. This year I am determined not to let what others say and do play a factor in my behavior and especially in my attitude.

4. Learn Something New. You would think that taking on parenting for the first time would be enough for one year, but I am determined to learn a new trade. For a woman who's only hobby is reading books, its about time I wanted to take on something more. Lately I have had the urge to learn sewing, and if you know me at all, that's going to be a daunting task. I should also probably mention learning how to braid because as of right now my husband will be doing Ava's hair, that's if she is even born with any. Perhaps by the time she gets enough, I'll be a master at it.

5. Be My Best. Sounds a bit narcissist, but I assure you I don't mean it in that way. I believe you can never stop trying to be your best self. Eating healthy with an occasional slip of junk food, working out to stay in shape, and so on has and will continue to be my motto. I figure as long as I set out to do and be my best every day with what I am comfortable being then I am happy with who I am.


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