Happy Happy

Its hard to believe that the Christmas holiday is already behind us. All of the anticipation built up for the day only to have it end quicker than it started. I'm lucky enough to say that I am still in the spirit and enjoying my family from a warm cabin in good old Wisconsin. Who's great idea was this anyways? Nothing feels better than to kick back and truly relax. I find myself already in deep relax mode, not that its hard to be at almost 8 months preggos. I'm happy to report that I had an amazing holiday that can and will only continue through this weekend. My husband truly spoiled me, and I still question how he seems to know me better than I know myself. It was to the point where I felt like a princess (feel free to gag), and I have to say my favorite gift besides everything was the stretch mark cream he included in my stocking. Oh the simple gestures! I'm still on high, just pinch me why don't you. I do sound a bit pathetic for getting ecstatic over cream, but this momma is at her happiest and I'll take it.


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