Chinese Fire Drill

Hopefully you know what I am referring to when I say I feel like I am doing a Chinese fire drill and not some stranger who likes to watch the Chinese do fire drills. You know the drill where if you are stuck in traffic you get out of the car and run around it as many times as you can before having to pull forward again. Okay, so I am not sure where it all started from, and now that I am talking it seems rather silly, but there is a point to all this I promise. Basically, since becoming a mom I constantly feel like I am in a drill. Practicing to only get faster in case of a real "fire." I used to be the longest shower taker of mankind and now I can wash and condition in a hot second. I am sure the environment is wishing I became a mom years ago in order to conserve all that water. At night, I am even more impressive, like a special ops who can make it in and out of Ava's room without any evidence that I was even there. I can assemble my breast pump in less than three minutes and have Ava dressed in five. Like I said, I am in drill mode. But as crazy and as fast paced my life may seem when I am determined to get somewhere on time, I wouldn't trade this mommy business for anything. Oh, and next time you are stuck in traffic...


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