
To be quite honest, I was dreading waking up and getting out of bed this morning. It wasn't due to Monday blues, rain, or even Ava crying. It was a year ago today that my grandmother passed away and I woke up with a heart that missed her deeply. As if her loss wasn't hard enough then, it was amongst one of the worst months of my life. The weight of the world pressed hard against my shoulders as I faced a miscarriage, my mother in-laws cancer diagnosis, and my grandma passing all within weeks. Looking back, I often wonder how I survived such heartbreak. Too much had happened in such a short period of time, and I'm confident one isn't made to handle all of that at once. But as time has passed, I have come to find that the Lord guides you back to a healing path. Nothing can erase the pain of losing a child, a cancer diagnosis, or even saying goodbye to a loved one, but continuing and choosing to live for them is the only way to survive. What started as a dark and rainy morning, turned out to one of the most beautiful sunny days we have had in a long time. It not only felt like spring was in the air, but that Grandma Fran was here with us. A sweet reminder to honor her life and her love.


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