
Saturday used to just be another day for me, and well, when I worked retail it was often the day of the week I dreaded the most. Enough crying babies and spoiled toddlers to scar you for life or at least keep you away from the toy department. To be honest, it wasn't until Ava came into the picture that I have truly looked forward to this day. Seven weekends of bliss! Something about waking up to a crying baby at 5 am and knowing that I can go back to bed after she's been fed, burped, and changed is a little energy boost all on its own. My reward for surviving the three for the week. My husband and I are like kids on Christmas morning when we get to lay in bed until 8:00. But its not just the "sleeping in" that I have come to cherish, its the lazy mornings of snuggles and Coco Puffs in bed and not leaving the house unless we choose to.
I realized today while watching my husband help Ava try on her dresses that the Lord has not only blessed me with these two, He has placed me right where He wants me. Just knowing that the Lord has wanted this for me, hand picked the love of my life, and created my precious baby brings an overwhelming sense of joy to my heart.

 6 Weeks Old


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