Let it Burn

First of all get the Usher lyrics out of your head, because apparently I'm not as with the "times" as I thought. My mom gave me a Diamond Candles candle today. You know, the candle that you burn and at the end a ring is revealed. Okay, so maybe I'm not the only one who didn't know about this latest internet craze. But you see I'm not so sure I can do this. Waiting for the candle to burn to get the ring kind of thing. I suddenly have flash backs to my childhood, where one couldn't wait to use the soap before getting the money inside. Have I matured at all, or could I possibly take a knife to this too? Seems like a test of patience to me, and must I remind you that I'm terrible at that game. Didn't I just pass that test when I waited a whole two extra weeks for my kid?! Okay, so here I am just burning my candle and w-a-i-t-i-n-g...
I swear I'm like a freaking three year old!
Come on sing it with me- let it burn, let it burn, let it burn.


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