
I'm happy to say that I am dating again. Yeah, that's right, you heard me. I'm dating my husband silly!  I am even happier to say that he is still my main squeeze and that even child bearing hasn't changed that. Sure how we date has changed, and I fully realized that yesterday when we were walking hand in hand at the mall. Who knew picking up a suit at the tailors could be so romantic?! Well, when you are childless for even an hour anything seems like a date. I suddenly felt as if we were back in junior high- the days before driver licenses, when you fully depended on your mom, and the innocence of a first love. But I have come to realize that its not just when we are alone that suddenly seems romantic. Its the quiet moments in between diaper changing, feedings or even the crying that I have come to appreciate. Even more so, it's the sweet kisses that he surprises me with- letting me know that he not only loves me, but that he still finds me somewhat adorable- sweatpants and all.


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