
I wish I was talking about the drink kind, and I could probably use one right about now after my daughter had her two month shots. Nothing can prepare you for their cry and it's okay to admit that you want to cry too. Okay, so I totally bawled after the nurse left. I realized then that I am doomed for her first sickness, first fall off of her bike, or her first heartbreak. Luckily, I had other moms behind me. Here are a few tips from their advice and my experience to get you through your baby's first shots.

1. Try and schedule their appointment for a time when you know they can take a good nap ahead of time or when they seem to be at their best.
2. Feed them right before hand. A full baby makes a happy baby. Especially if you have to wait to be seen, they last longer and are more content.
3. Have diapers, blankets, and a pacifier at an arms reach. A dry and soothed baby makes it a little more bearable.
4. Dress them comfortably. A sleeper with a zipper works best or whatever makes for a quick and easy access.
5. Two nurses are better than one. Faster exit strategy, or in other words, over quicker!
6. Play music. Hopefully you have a phone that can play their favorite songs. It helps calm them down afterwards.
7. Have infant Tylenol handy. The nurse will give you the correct dosage recommended based on their current weight not age.
8. Be ready for snuggles and kisses.


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